MANCHESTER casting for a BETTING SITE commercial.

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Shoot dates: 6th / 7th / 8th April Shoot location: Northwest

Fees: Hero (Featured) BSF: £350 + 2year buyout 7K Usage: 1year TV UK, Norway
and Baltics (Latvia, Estonia & Lithuania) 1 Year online (1 year Cinema To be
confirmed – If confirmed an additional 500% of the £350
basic studio fee will be paid) Live date in UK is 28.4.17 Secondary roles /
Walk-ons: £400 (All in fee to include BSF) *Note if any of the walk-ons are
heavily featured an additional buyout fee will be paid.


Seeking suggestions for:

FEATURED HERO: Male. Our featured character “Hero” should be someone
relatable and real. Not your average commercials chap we see in every other
betting ad. We’re thinking a 28-38 year old male. Someone with a good
enough look to hold the screen in the opening and final frames but not an
overly good looking chap either. We need to like this guy and want to route
for him. So he should feel like a regular chap who we may see on the morning
commute, for example, but he should still have character. It’s also
important that he can act. He will need to carry a strong emotion in little
more than a look, so will need to be comfortable in front of camera and use
subtlety to great effect.

WALK/ONS: for the sports roles – We are happy to receive self tapes.

BOXER : should look like he is at international competitive level. Very
physically fit, heavyweight or middleweight.

FOOTBALLER: : should look like he belongs to a competitive club match and
very physically fit – same with Tennis player or any athlete’s would be good
to see some at an international level.

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