casting STILLS for ADIDAS

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casting: by self tape, (we will need submissions today and self tapes by tomorrow close of  business. We will send out instructions to those selected)

Shoot: w/c 13th August (one or two days) during that week – (at the moment very likely 18th / 19th but TBC)

Fee: £750 per shoot day ?(all in) Usage: BTL & Retail including Windows, 2 years, global


CHINESE BOYS & GIRLS (8-15yrs old) Need to be interested in sports. No younger, no older than brief please. ONLY looking for Chinese kids here– no mixes or other East Asian countries.

Please check availabilities before suggesting and send lightbox links or pics of available boys & girls to  by END OF TODAY.

We will be in touch (possibly after 6pm) with instructions for the self tape which we will need to receive tomorrow as we are submitting everyone then. Thank you!



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