Casting a photo shoot for ENTRESTO

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Hara at Real London is casting a photo shoot for ENTRESTO

We are looking for a big mix of people aged 65 to 85, please suggest within
that age bracket.

We are casting next week in London and we will need them for ALL THREE SHOOT
DATES so please make sure you only send us suggestions who are available.

Casting: in London 17th April

Shoot dates: 25/26/27, we need them all three dates so please make sure they are available for the
casting day and all the shoot dates


Heart failure effects a broad range of people – different ages, ethnicities,
genders and backgrounds.
We will be focussing on the type of patients our neurologists and HCPs see
most often; more elderly
patients, from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
All of our talents need to look like ‘real’ people, not like actors or
models. Heart failure is often
linked to poor lifestyle, so one talent might have skin like a smoker,
another might be overweight.
However, our patients must not look like they are at death’s door. They are
not bedridden or infirm;
they are engaged and focussed on their recovery. The core message of the
campaign is that even
patients that seem ok one day could drop dead the next because heart failure
is so unpredictable.


Following on from that, these patients should look like interesting people,
who have more life to
live. They should be both relatable and likeable. We want the neurologist to
feel sorry that these
patients were overlooked – rather than writing them off as ‘lost causes’.
These portraits will all be shot to camera, as if from the POV of a
neurologist during a consultation or
check-up. The expression needs to be natural but intensely engaging; one
that evokes regret but is
not too reproachful.


CAUCASIAN PATIENT (Gender not specified, 65 – 85)

Following on from that, these patients should look like
interesting people, who have more life to live. They should be both
relatable and likeable. We want the cardiologist to feel sorry that these
patients were overlooked – rather than writing them off as ‘lost causes’.

These portraits will all be shot to camera, as if from the POV of a
cardiologist during a consultation or check-up. The expression needs to be
natural but intensely engaging; one that evokes regret but is not too

BLACK BRITISH PATIENT: (Gender not specified, 65 – 85)

Following on from that, these patients should look like
interesting people, who have more life to
live. They should be both relatable and likeable. We want the cardiologist
to feel sorry that these
patients were overlooked – rather than writing them off as ‘lost causes’.
These portraits will all be shot to camera, as if from the POV of a
cardiologist during a consultation
or check-up. The expression needs to be natural but intensely engaging; one
that evokes regret but
is not too reproachful.

Appearance: African-American, Black-African, Black-Caribbean, Black-Other

INDIAN BRITISH PATIENT: (Gender not specified, 65 – 85)

Following on from that, these patients should look like
interesting people, who have more life to
live. They should be both relatable and likeable. We want the cardiologist
to feel sorry that these
patients were overlooked – rather than writing them off as ‘lost causes’.
These portraits will all be shot to camera, as if from the POV of a
cardiologist during a consultation
or check-up. The expression needs to be natural but intensely engaging; one
that evokes regret but
is not too reproachful.

Appearance: Indian, Pakistani

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