Casting for 4 x 15sec vignettes for COCA COLA

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casting for 4 x 15sec vignettes for COCA COLA. We
are working with MoFilm, ( who work with developing
filmmakers around the world to create content for brands.

Casting: We will initially be casting everyone from pictures and show reels.
With a small casting on either Tuesday 16th or Wednesday 17th June in
Shoreditch London. I will confirm this on Monday 15th

Shoot: The shoot dates are 18th, 19th & 20th June 2015. The first 3
vignettes are all going to be shot in London with the last one shooting just
outside of it.

Fees: The vignettes will be edits and used online by Coca-Cola in small
15sec video lengths. The usage is for online for 12 months but we highly
doubt it will be used for this long due to Coca Cola refreshing their
content every 3 months. In addition to this, the videos might be used within
a 60 and 30sec TVC in America with 12 months usage. If the actors are then
featured in the TVC edit, they will receive an additional payment of $700
We are looking to cast actors to feature in the vignettes, budget is
limited. We are have managed to pay each person £100 to feature in the
online videos. We know it’s not a lot of money but the content will be great
and a bonus
for everyone’s show reel or portfolio. You will also be helping budding and
up and coming creative’s hone and develop their craft while working with
high end equipment, mentors and talent like yourselves.

Seeking HISPANIC & CARIBBEAN LOOKING PEOPLE see casting refs: & &

Vignette 1 – Father playing on console – shooting 19th, London.
A father and son are playing a computer game together, mum enters with a
tray of refreshments distracting the father and the son takes the advantage
to win the game.

FATHER: Male aged 32-38. Hispanic. Character will play video games with
son. Must have a warm and paternal demeanor. Will also be asked to play a
background role in Vignette 2.

MOTHER: Hispanic. Female. 32-38 years old.?Character will play mother
entering room with drinks. Must have a warm and maternal demeanor. Will also
be asked to play a background role in Vignette 2.

SON: Hispanic. Male. 14 years old. Will be playing the young boy playing
video games against his father. Will need to be playful and happy.

Vignette 2 – Family BBQ shooting 19th, London – same location as vignette 1
(Garden Exterior) A varied family group sit together in the garden. They
smile and joke at a vibrant dinner table passing drinks and food, food cooks
in the background.

GRANDMOTHER: Hispanic. Woman. Mid to late 50’s. To play a grandmother
enjoying a bbq with her family in the summer sun.

GRANDFATHER: Hispanic. Male. Mid to late 50’s. To play a grandfather
enjoying a bbq with her family in the summer sun.

FATHER: Hispanic. Male. Mid 30’s. Will be needed to play the father hosting
the bbq

MOTHER: Hispanic. Female. Mid 30’s. Will be needed to play the mother
hosting the bbq Young Male – Hispanic. Male. Late teens. To play the male
in a young couple attending the bbq. Young Female – Hispanic. Female. Late
teens. To play the female in a young couple attending the bbq.

Vignette 3 – Food Truck – shooting 18th or 19th, London

We see a mid to late 20’s couple working in a food truck serving customers,
they are laughing and having fun together. Customers huddle around the food
truck. At the end of their day, they sit on the step to the truck and enjoy
a bottle of Coca-Cola.

WOMAN: Hispanic. 24-29yrs old. Female. Playing chef in Truck

MAN: Hispanic. 24-29yrs. Male. Playing chef in Truck

6 EXTRAS: Hispanic. Varied ages. Playing customers at the truck

Vignette 4 – Road Trip – shooting 20th just outside London

Two girlfriends on a road trip through the great outdoors. Big tunes on the
radio, they’re laughing, joking about and inevitably getting lost.

Through a montage of shots we see them:

Stopping to enjoy the scenery, drinking a coke.?Motel room – sharing a bed,
TV on. Motel room – curtains drawn open quickly – a new day Filling up with
petrol?Buying snacks

The humid evening sky finally bursts into warm rain. The girls are caught
out and run back to the car, laughing 2 girls Look 22 – 29 year olds.
Independent and free-spirited. Cool and fun. But they need a warmth and
charm that draws us in. There is an intimate closeness to the girls. Left
ambiguous as to whether they’re life long friends or a couple on this road
trip together.

GIRL 1 – Hispanic in appearance Looks 22 – 29

GIRL 2 – Looks 22 – 29, Caucasian. American ‘girl next door’ kind of look.

Suggestions please to

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